Environmental Pollution||Environmental Issues

Environmental Pollution||Environmental issues
This article is about environmental problems in developing countries.In these environmental problems,the most common is pollution.The pollution increases day by day.If you want to know about these environment issues you are at right place.

Environmental problems 
are more common in developing countries and Pakistan is one of them.Pakistan is one of the country of the world which is affected by climate change.This climate change is due to various factors and one of them is pollution.Now -a -days,Pollution is a serious issue in most of the developing countries.


Any thing that is harmful for human life and also pollutes the environment is called  pollution.Pollution contains substances that pollutes the environment called pollutants.There are many pollutants such as air pollutants,water pollutants,land pollutants etc.

Types of Air Pollution

There are various types of pollution.
1.Air pollution
 2.Water pollution  
3.Land pollution 
4.Noise pollution

a.Air Pollution

The substances/pollutants that pollutes the atmosphere are called air pollutants and this type of pollution is called air pollution.. As per the World Wellbeing Association (WHO), every year air contamination is liable for almost 7,000,000 passings all over the planet. The vast majority of people presently inhale air that surpasses the WHO's rule limits for contaminations, with those living in low-and center pay nations experiencing the most.
Consuming Petroleum Products discharges gases and synthetic compounds into the air.Another kind of air pollution,Smog, is then deteriorated by that expanded intensity, framing when the weather conditions is hotter and there's more bright radiation(Ultraviolet RadiationsUV). Carbon dioxide and Methane raises the world's temperature and these also a source of air pollution.So,climate change occur due to this pollution.Climate change is also a cause of development of Allergic air poisons.These allergic air poisons contain mold(because of soggy circumstances brought about by extreme climate and expanded flooding) and dust(because of a more drawn out dust season).

Kinds of Air Pollution

The following kinds of air pollution are:


Smog is form of air pollution.Smog refers to as ground-level ozone.It happens when discharges from combusting petroleum products respond with daylight.Smog has harmful effests on humans.Exhaust cloud(Smog) can disturb the eyes and throat and furthermore harm the lungs, particularly those of youngsters, senior residents, and individuals who work or exercise outside.

 Far and away more terrible for individuals have asthma or sensitivities: these additional contaminations can heighten their side effects and trigger asthma assaults.

 Another thing is soot.Soot is also called particulate matter.It is comprised of little particles of synthetic substances, soil, smoke, residue, or allergens — as one or the other gas or solids — that are conveyed in the air. The wellsprings of exhaust cloud and ash are comparable. It  comes from industries,trucks,vehicles,motors,power plants,coal,petroleum,natural gas etc.and other fossils fuels.

The smallest airborne particles in  soot, whether vaporous or strong, are particularly hazardous on the grounds that they can enter the lungs and circulation system and deteriorate bronchitis, lead to respiratory failures, and evendeath.

Sources of Air Pollution

Most of the air pollutants are following that cause air pollution

.Carbon Monoxide


.Sulphur dioxide

.Nirogen Oxides



dioxide,Nirogen Oxides)
Smoke is often released by various industries and vehicles that include in environment and cause of air pollution.This smoke contains oxides of sulphur,oxides of nitrogen and carbon monoxide that reacts with the cloud in atmosphere.When these oxides reacts with water in atmospheric clouds-the water after reaction turns into sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide.

Lead Compounds  


Lead is biggest use away batteries in vehicles and in other vehicles.Lead compounds are likewise utilized as color in paints,dyes and earthenware glazes.Lead paints was restricted in 1978 anyway it is still use at modern level.

The measure of lead in vehicles genuinely affects human health.These lead intensifies produce pollution.To avoid contamination utilize lead free mixtures.

Harmful Effects of Lead

Exposure to high level of lead cause 



.Kidney Damage

.Brain Damage

Very high level exposure of lead may cause death..It is very harmful for pregnant women because it can cross the placental barrier and damage the developing baby's nervous system.

Oxides of Sulphur

and Nitrogen

(NO2 and SO2)

At the point when people consume petroleum products sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides delivered into atmosphere.These air contaminations react with water,oxygen and different substances to produce air borne sulphuric acid and nitric acid.After it when precipitation happen it becomes acidic and this is acid rain.

Acid Rain is one of the results of air contamination

 Sources of Acid Rain

The biggest source of acid rain are following:

.Coal burning power plants
.Rotting Vegetation
.Volcanoes Eruption

Volcanoes eruption and rotting vegetation release some chemical which cause acid rain.Important fact is that most of the acid rain is produced by human activities.

Effects of Acid Rain

1.Acid rain destroys environment and also a source of climate change on earth.Acid rain destroys aquatic habitat.

2.Acid rain can be extremely harmful to forests.Acid rain seeps into the ground that dissolves nutrients such as calcium and magnesium which are necessary for normal growth of trees.

3.Calcium and Magnesium plays important role in plant's growth.Acid rain replace it with aluminium.

4.Acid rain also causes aluminium to be released into the soil which make it difficult for trees to take up water.In this way leave fall occur and trees become die.Aluminium is harmful to the plants as well as animals.

5. Acid rain leaches aluminium from soil and flows to river and lakes.Aluminium is a toxic agent that affects the gills of fishes and other invertebratesin this way there is breathing problem arises in aquatic animals.This problem is due to the loss of plasma.it also causes the osmoregulatory failure in these animals.As a result aquatic habitat destroys.

6.Acid rain also corroded the marble stone on buildings.

Air Pollution And Human Health\

Acid Rain/Air Contamination additionally hurtfully affects human wellbeing. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides can cause respiratory issues and worse these problems.Respiratory diseases are  

There are two types of bronchitis first is acute bronchitis and second one is chronic.Acute bronchitis is starting while Chronic bronchitis is severe condition

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